Saturday, July 28, 2012

Best Team in NL- How Washington is Blowing Everyone Away

The Nats are doing what no one ever expected them to do, wins a ton of games. Even with the lost last night to the Brewers (a 6-0 decision) the Nats are 59-40, 19 games above .500 and leading the NL East by 4 games.

With a win today, the Nats are setting a franchise record. The fastest the Nats ever got 60 wins was way back in 2005, when they beat Colorado on Aug. 12 on Game 117 on the season. The Nats were 60-55 at that time but this year is different. The Nats could get 60 wins on Game 100 (tonight's game) putting them 17 games ahead of the 05 Nats. This years Nats are something different all together.

A win today would put the Nats in a awesome position in July, becoming the only NL team to have 60 wins and being only the 2nd team in MLB to get to that mark (New York Yankees have 60 wins) The Nats aren't just good, they are amazing!! They have a better record than the Texas Rangers, defending AL Champions, St. Louis Cardinals, who were the World Series winners, the LA Angels, who spent a ton in the offseason to win, and plenty more teams. The point being made: the Nats aren't just good, they are doing what no other Nationals team has ever done. They have become a force in the NL, a team you have to fear playing. With Jason Werth and Chad Tracy coming back in a week, the Nats aren't about to fall anytime soon.

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